Microsoft lawsuit over RROD


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Microsoft are facing a lawsuit, brought under California's consumer protection statutes, was filed in the Sacramento County Superior Court. The lawsuit alleges that an excessive number of Xbox 360 consoles have failed, resulting in what is commonly known in the gaming community as the "red ring of death". The lawsuit further alleges that Microsoft concealed the excessive failure rate of its Xbox 360 consoles in order to compete with the pending launch of Sony's Playstation 3 and Nintendo's Wii gaming systems.

The lawsuit cites to a number of recent articles published in gaming trade journals and on popular websites including, VentureBeat, Digital Media and Yahoo! Those articles contend that Microsoft knew as far back as November 2005 that over 50% of the Xbox 360 consoles involved in the initial sales launch were defective.

The class action lawsuit seeks an order that Microsoft disgorge all profits attributable to its sale of the Xbox 360, as well as that Microsoft publicly announce and implement a refund program in California.


about time this happened.
The infamous red ring of death...Still making headlines? Wow. Nintendo had the wrist strap problem, the PS3 was outsold by the PS2, and the 360 has the Red Ring of Death.

Everyone messes up it seems.
QUOTE (GAMER_NOW @ October 17, 2008 07:21 pm) The infamous red ring of death...Still making headlines? Wow. Nintendo had the wrist strap problem, the PS3 was outsold by the PS2, and the 360 has the Red Ring of Death.

Everyone messes up it seems.
lol this is so true.
These company's have problems with making a game system that's more defective then the previous systems...
Little late to the party, eh?

This should of happened months ago!