I am huge fan of both Microsoft and Sony but I would have to say my favorite is Microsoft. I have always liked PlayStation when I got the PlayStation 2 I could not get off of it. I also played on my original Xbox but at the time the controller was just a bit to big for me so I played my PlayStation more. When Microsoft launched the Xbox 360 I was hook and still play it till this day. I never ended up purchasing a PS3 I played on it but I did not really care for it. I will be getting the Xbox One in the near future I'm just waiting for the price of it to go down. I know the Xbox One will live up to my expectations. Sony and Microsoft are both great products but Microsoft has won me over.
I am divorced now and I don't have any where near the money that I use to have. So when it came to nextgen consoles I had to make a choice on who was offering the better product. And this time is Sony hands down so I bought a PS4. I will not buying a Xbone, I am just going to stick with Sony until the PS5 and next Xbox release.
I prefer Sony. That might be because of owning Playstation consoles ever since the first console came out. Anyways, I don't have yet acquired the PS4 due to its high price. I am still sticking with my PS3 since in my opinion it has a wide selection of games and there isn't so many good games released for PS4 yet.
Sony, but that might be because Sony and Nintendo are the only consoles I've known. I've played other peoples' Xbox, but it's just not the right feeling to me.
I prefer the PS3 controller over the Xbox, that is what made me buy a PS3 over an Xbox 360. I haven't used any of the new gen consoles IE PS4 controller yet to comment on those. Has anyone ever purchased a console just for one game they've wanted to play?
Many of my most nostalgic games (Tomb Raider II, etc) were on the Sony PS1, and thankfully I am able to play them anywhere via my PSP. So, my vote goes to Sony. If Microsoft were to finally come out with a portable console, I may reconsider.
I'm a sony person....I prefer the games they release over Microsoft.....They, in my opinion have a bigger RPG/strategy variety than Microsoft/Xbox, and that's what I like to play...
Sony and Nintendo are my consoles of preference. Though I'm a bit of a collector, so I have an original Xbox. The only series that interests me on the Xbox is Halo.
Sony, had a PS3 and will get a PS4. Have always been a bigger fan of the PS instead of XBox. Mainly because Playstation offers unlimited online, while you have to pay to go online on the XBox. I also play a lot of sports games, and also there I prefer Sony over Microsoft.
From a gaming standpoint, PSX and PS2 were just mind-blowingly ahead of the competition.
PS3 they really dropped the ball.
PS4 back to #1.
That said, I can't say I'm a huge fan of Sony outside of the gaming sphere. Their smartphones are actually gorgeous, but all their products seem overpriced. To me, they really bank on their name recognition and past prestige to warrant a premium price.
As for Microsoft, they hit it out of the park with the 360. Outside of that though, they haven't really done all that much over the past few years.
My vote goes to Sony. Their exclusives are much better in my opinion. I've always been on the PS side of the fence. Xbox has more shooter-type games and Sony seems to have more of what I'm interested in (especially exclusives like Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, The last of us, etc.) I've ALWAYS had an issue with Microsoft's PC games. Running poorly or messing with my computer or just being low quality games. Especially when it has "Games for Windows" attached to it.
Before the previous E3, I would have answered neutral because I thought that both companies were pretty much equal, but after seeing MS miss the mark so much (IMO) by focusing too much on the media center aspect instead of making the gaming aspect a priority, I now am leaning a lot more towards Sony who seemed to me to be slightly more in tune with their customers. Granted, I've always kind of been more of a PS fan, but I never really thought negatively of MS until their past E3 presentation. I'm still pretty much indifferent towards them at this point and will still change my tune if they somehow change their ways, but I'd say their name to me is just slightly tarnished.
If we are purely talking about console vs console then I go with Sony. It use to be Microsoft, but I think they have lost scope a bit and are starting to go downhill.
There is a reason why I would always favor Sony over Microsoft. Although both platforms have some ups and downs as always, I tend to like Sony's exclusives better than whatever fancy mutiplayer centric exclusive Microsoft have. I don;t really like Halo or Gears of War series to be very honest. Having said that, though, I am really looking forward to Destiny - a game developed by former Halo developers. But then again, it's coming to PS4 and PS3 too, and would be better on those platforms than Microsoft's.