Microsoft slips Windows 10 upgrade ads into Internet Explorer security patch


Full GL Member

It seems there are no depths that Microsoft will not sink to in its relentless quest to get the world using Windows 10. It’s already made the new OS a 'recommended' update for Windows 7 and 8.x, which will see the update download and install automatically on some systems.

But the company's latest sneaky trick is beyond the pale. According to Microsoft’s own documentation, a new security patch for Internet Explorer also "adds functionality to Internet Explorer 11 on some computers that lets users learn about Windows 10 or start an upgrade to Windows 10". In other words, as well as fixing vulnerabilities with Internet Explorer, the security patch will also advertise the new OS to customers. In what world is that acceptable?
It is disappointing that MS is using pop-up messages, and bundled software which reminds you to upgrade to 10. MS should at least made it possible to opt-out of receiving these messages when installing security updates for IE.
I'm guessing ad block won't stop this huh?
I'm guessing ad block won't stop this huh?

Possibly not since the Windows 10 update program is bundled with a Security Fix for Internet Explorer. The only option is probably not to install the security fix for IE, and avoid using IE as much as possible.
IE or their edge browser? Possible both...

I think IE. The Edge browser is exclusive to Windows 10, and not available for Windows 8.1, 7, and below. You need to use Windows 10 to use Edge. But, Internet Explorer 11 is still installed with Windows 10 for people who prefer IE 11, or need it for running a web app, or app on their network which uses the older ActiveX programs for IE.