Microsoft Surface All-In-One PC Expected To Launch Next Month


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If reports are to be believed, Microsoft might be in the process of expanding this brand to another PC form factor. Microsoft is reportedly going to launch a Surface-branded all-in-one PC late next month.

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I wonder would this All-In-One PC will be upgradeable where users can upgrade the CPU, RAM, and video card.
Didn't they already launch something like this?
Didn't they already launch something like this?

Microsoft launched Windows tablets, and I think they also once launched a touchscreen table with Windows installed on it.

But, Microsoft never launched a desktop PC designed mostly for keyboard and mouse.
Seems late in the game to be coming out with something like this, I imagine it will get canned within 1-3 years.
I agree it is kind of late to release a All-in-one PC or desktop PC now that almost everyone owns a PC which they bought from HP, Asus, Dell Lenovo, and other brands. Plus, more people are building their own computers to save money, and have better performance without spending a lot of money on a pre-built PC which is usually more expensive.