Microsoft Windows 8 + RT Surface Sales Hit 1.5 Million


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Only about 400,000 for the Surface Pro and a little more than a million for the Surface RT. Bringing the total to about 1.5 million Surface branded devices out there in the wild.

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I wonder if the MS Surface tablets are the best selling Windows 8 Tablets, or even the best selling Windows 8 device beating out Windows 8 desktop, ultrabook, tablet, and laptop models from other companies like Acer. Wow, 1.5 million Surface tablets sold in only a few months.

I think if the price was $399 for the Surface Pro, and 350 for the Surface RT, MS would sell even more.
I read that Microsoft heavily discounted Windows 8 and Office 2013 licenses for PC makers who make Tablets, Netbooks, and inexpensive computers like Nettops, so I can see Microsoft getting a lot of new Windows 8 users because people usually buy new computers, tablets, and Netbooks when the price is in the 100-400 US Dollar price range to replace their aging Windows XP, Windows Vista, and even Windows 7 computers with slower parts, and less hard drive storage.

Microsoft is always working on something new since MS has the money and workers to make new software like Windows, online services like Skydrive, and computer hardware like the Surface, Zune, Xbox, and Windows Phone.