Microsoft Working Hard To Have Enough Kinects This Holiday


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Microsoft claims to have plenty of pre-orders for Kinect and promises they will be able to fufill all of them and have enough for everyone this holiday season. Looking at previous numbers, Microsoft is hoping they will sell in compared to the Wii and doesn’t want to see shortage. Speaking to MCV, a Microsoft spokesman said they are working hard around the clock to meet the demand.

“Over the course of just three weeks in November, we’re launching across every market where Xbox 360 is sold and will have more units of Kinect available than any other Xbox launch. Pre-orders have demonstrated that there is exceptional consumer excitement and demand for Kinect and we will continue to work hard to ensure that Kinect for Xbox 360 is available for the Christmas season.”


Wonder how many pre-orders MS has for the Kinect.
I'm just wondering how many returns there will be.

but good luck with keeping up stock MS, we don't want store clerks killed by rabid fans.