Microsoft's 2010 Xbox 360 bundle packs Alan Wake, Forza 3


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Microsoft preceded the Kinect launch this week by updating the 250GB Xbox 360 with a holiday bundle. The new pack is tailored to hardcore gamers and includes both a physical copy of Forza Motorsport 3 and a code to download the full version of Alan Wake through Xbox Live. The system itself is the same as before with a wireless gamepad and a headset, but no Kinect cameras.

The system should be reaching stores in North America over the course of the next few weeks. As with earlier bundles Microsoft is pricing the 2010 bundle at the same price as a version without the extra games, factoring the costs of the games into the $300 price.


This is a nice bundle, two free recent games by just buying the Xbox 360 slim 250GB for its regular price of 300 dollars. The Xbox 360 bundle is great for people who want to buy Forza 3 and Alan Wake, but don't have a Xbox 360, or want to upgrade to the xbox 360 slim 250GB version. This bundle is a 120-140 dollar savings since both physical games are bundle for free when you buy the Xbox 360 Slim 250GB.
that is a good deal.