Microsoft's show was bad. But not as bad as people are making it out to be. The major problem with it aside from all the Kinect focus was the rinse and repeat they seem to have going. Every year, you're guaranteed to see Forza, Halo, Gears, and Fable with them.
I have to admit I was not impressed with Microsoft at all. They are making the dashboard so bloated that you have to use a search engine to find what you want lol. They are also adding TV which I don't get because I have a triple play with Comcast. I get TV, Phone and Internet for $99 a month, internet alone is $60. So why would I want to sign up to Microsoft's service? And last but not least they showed more of the same old games, Cod, Halo, Gears! How about something new Microsoft! I also think the are pushing Kinect too hard, I don't want to be forced to buy the Kinect just to play the game I want to play. The day that happens I am selling my 360! :hammer:
I'm sorry, but Microsoft had the worst Press Conference of all this year. They showed some new games and features, but nothing was really new or exciting. Halo 4 was expected, I don't think anybody cares about Call of Duty anymore, and the Kinect games won't appeal to Microsoft's true fans. :s