Might Be Gone For A Week Or So...


Shadow Cypher

Reason(s): Pesonal
Length: 4-7 Days (possibly shorter or longer)

Good Luck!

Hasta luego.
well thanks for letting us know sc.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ October 10, 2008 01:56 pm) well thanks for letting us know sc.
No problem, I might be able to get on at work though, even if I have to use their server....

Which blocks 90% of all the photos on this site, I haven't even gotten to see the new group icons yet....
Update: I stand corrected, I'll be able to get on her and there, fairly sporadicly during this 1/2 week to week-long period.
QUOTE (Shadow Cypher @ October 10, 2008 06:05 pm) Update: I stand corrected, I'll be able to get on her and there, fairly sporadicly during this 1/2 week to week-long period.
lol glad to hear you can get on a little. so do you like the icons?