Review Minecraft 1.0: Minecraft At Its Simplest


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I don't feel the need to explain the importance of Minecraft.

I sincerely doubt that anyone reading this hasn't heard of Minecraft. It's a game that will outlive us all, for a simple reason.

Minecraft is special. It not only contributed heavily to the success of YouTube, it also created the modern gaming market.

That last claim is a bold one, but I fully believe that Minecraft can be credited for starting the games-as-a-service tread alongside GTA Online.

Minecraft lives by its updates, it was never, and will never be fully complete. It's a game that can't truly die, because it's never truly finished.

I didn't grow up on 1.0, I'd consider 1.10-1.11 to be the start of my Minecraft experience, but I find myself more nostalgic for 1.13 than those two updates. I grew up on the usual suspects, DanTDM, Stampy, ThinkNoodles, PopularMMOs, and so on and so forth.

The reason why I came back to 1.0 is simple. I wanted to truly live through Minecraft's evolution, especially as Mojang changes the way Minecraft updates work.

In case you are unaware, Minecraft will be doing smaller drops now. In fact, this month, bundles will be added to Java Edition of the game in the Bundles of Bravery update.

This will mark the end of the once-in-a-year update cycle that has been in Minecraft for the past few years, and while I will miss the large updates like Village and Pillage, Cave and Cliffs, and The Nether Update, I will admit that this new era for Minecraft is for the better.

That being said, I should focus on Minecraft 1.0.

1.0 is Minecraft at its most simple. It features only the basics of Minecraft and feels like a smaller, more simplistic version of the game I grew up with.

Everything truly important is there. We have the three dimensions, the ender dragon, and the creepers. This is Minecraft, right down to the emotional music and wondrous world generation.

I couldn't say that this felt outdated, rather I'd say that it simply was a less complicated game than what it became.

The blocks were few and far between, and building is at its weakest, but I don't hate it. I enjoy this calming world, I enjoy the feeling of simply existing in a empty sandbox where I have no real obstacles.

Do I think this is the best version of the game? Honestly, its complicated...

This is Minecraft at its core. Very little mobs or blocks, very little challenge outside of the common monsters. It's peaceful...but it felt incomplete.

I can't act like Minecraft didn't improve over time. The more updates came out, the more there was to see, to do. Dare I say, Minecraft never really had a bad update. There are weaker ones most certainly, but every update added things to the game that made it more diverse. If Minecraft never changed past 1.0, would the game really be as special as it is now?

Truthfully, Minecraft needed those updates, not because the game was bad, but because it could be so much more.

1.0 is over fourteen years old now. A fact that haunts most people who played 1.0 when it came out. The fact that it's timeless enough to still be this enjoyable years down the line is a testament to how great the game really is.

But...I miss the new Minecraft, just as much as I love the old Minecraft.