Minecraft Gift Cards Available in Retail Stores and Minecraft 1.4!


Yeah they just announced this a few days ago. You are now able to go to your local retail store, only in Walmart, Bestbuy, or Target, and buy a minecraft gift card for $26.95 plus taxes. This is perfect for people who dont have credit cards, like me. Actually Im thinking to buy one tomorrow at Walmart if they have them in stock, they better >.> Anyways this offer is only available in the United States and this is a great way to boost their sales up. And look out for the next version of minecraft, 1.4, which is going to be the biggest update ever to have a lot of content like a new boss, more mobs, items, and PIE. It is said that 1.4 will be coming out around Halloween and there will be more to come since they do a snapshot every thursday, which is tomorrow. A snapshot is something that shows what they did during the week and then they put it up for download for people to find bugs and see the new content. If you want to see everything coming out soon so far in 1.4 come here:
