Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst


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Following a previous trademark discovery and tease from Electronic Arts, Star Wars: Battlefront developer DICE’s new Mirror’s Edge game has officially been renamed Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst.

DICE Senior Producer Sara Jansson said, “on behalf on the entire team here at DICE, we can’t wait to show you what we have been pouring our heart and soul into. We can’t wait to introduce you to Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.”

Jansson celebrated the promise of the original Mirror’s Edge, and admitted the team “knew it could be more. That in mind, Jansson explained, Catalyst “is not a sequel, this is not Mirror's Edge 2. We have landed on a vision that honors the first game — pushing the boundaries of first person movement and diving deeper into the story behind our heroine Faith — but also brings a lot of great new, interesting gameplay and features to the experience for our players.”

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst will be shown at E3 next week, and is scheduled for release in 2016.

about to play the first one in another week. I hope its good.
Sounds good to me, from the seems of things it improves more on a very good first game - people loved the first except for the combat elements, which seems to be much better in this game.