Model 1887 Rampage


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Important: Watch in HD (or 480p - for best quality) and watch the entire 6 minutes of the game if you click that START button (I'm serious here).

What do you think?
It's the model 1887, one of my favourite guns but takes skill to use, ;)
It's like a shotgun version of a golden gun. You got owned pretty good at 1:56 and twice you blindly ran out past a truck that you got killed instantly when you ran by it the first time.
It's like a shotgun version of a golden gun. You got owned pretty good at 1:56 and twice you blindly ran out past a truck that you got killed instantly when you ran by it the first time.
The gun has a long-range disadvantage and let's not forget when the team actually teams up on you.
Also, not everyone has this shotgun GOLD. :P

By the way, at 1:56, I ran into campers. One was on the ground while his teammate was walking into my shotgun's bullet.. Too bad it never happened because he shot me first.
Also, I left a tactical insertion in the house.
The bad thing is - a camper was waiting for me to respawn in their when I died, just to kill me again (they're camping noobs - they could have denied it).

That was not a "good owned" >_< (more like noob camping gameplay).
When noobs camp and aren't snipers then you send your men first and let them get killed and you run in after them and bash the noobs right upside the head.
I had a shotgun so that wasn't an option. I had to take point, heh.
Anyway, the 2nd kill right after I died the first time was by a tactical insertion camper. They actually waited for me to re-enter the game in that exact same spot, just to kill me.

They could have denied the thing, lol.
I still killed their whole team, maybe even got some of 'em to rage quit, lmao.
rage quitters maker me laugh. But how could they know where you reenter?
It's a sort of green flare on the ground. Once you die, you respawn (AKA enter the game) the same location where you placed the tactical insertion.
You can also see it as the color "red" which will notify players that it's an enemy's tactical insertion.

Here's a video someone recorded (the sniper dude recorded it), showing you a tactical insertion camper doing what he does best.
At the end of the video, the sniper kills the camper (so basically, the sniper protected his team mate, from getting killed by the tactical insertion camper when he respawned).
