Nintendo Monolith's Next game is a 3d action game?


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Read from Nintendolife:

the Nintendo subsidiary is looking for an "application programmer" to join the team. Using Google Translate, we can see that the successful candidate will be "in charge of designing and developing various programs for 3D action games", looking at things such as character control, enemy AI behaviour, scene progression, and all sorts of design elements.

While not mandatory for the position, Monolith Soft lists "experience developing 3D action games" under the Welcome Requirements section. Whether this is for the studio's next game — which we don't know anything about yet — or for a future project is hard to say, but it's exciting to see them working on something that could be a bit different.
Wonder if they are going to make the next Xeno game an action jrpg.
I feel like they would call it a spin-off because of the variation but I could be wrong.
Well they said the next Xeno game will be "vastly different".