Monthly Game Contest (iOS/Android games)


Full GL Member
Starting July, I will be holding contests involving games running under iOS and Android. Here are the details:

- Games chosen will be available on both operating systems, all with average or minimal system requirements, and free.

- They will mostly be single player games where you will be submitting a high score, although if we manage to set it up correctly I wouldn't mind some multiplayer games.

- A different game will be picked every, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place earning 25, 15, 10 and 5 points respectively.

- Contest will only be held if at least 4 people sign up

Winner gets a free iOS or Android game not exceeding $10, and runner-ups get shards.

It would be hard to find good cross platform games so I am counting on yall to offer some suggestions :p

I'll also take part, although it'll only be for the bragging rights :p If I end up 1st, 2nd place gets the game and so on.

Sign up here for the July contest.

For the first week I've been thinking of Beach Buggy Blitz, but I'm not sure if its free on the iOS, could someone check it out for me?
Thanks for holding this Mori. It's nice to see others get things going here. :)