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Although she may have featured heavily in some of the recent footage we received from the Final Fantasy XIII Premiere, we now have some real information about our new fully named character Serah Fallon.

She is voiced by Minako Kotobuki who is known for voicing Tsumugi in the anime K-On!. Duckroll from Neogaf has made a brief translation that explains her background.

"She is Lightning's younger sister. A headstrong girl who believes in solving her own problems and not getting other people involved. She is always very concerned for her elder sister. She wears a necklace on her chest, a present from Snow. Lightning does not approve of her engagement with Snow. Like her sister, she is a L'Cie and is marked with a tattoo of two red spheres on her left arm."

Like usual, this information will probably be confirmed when Square Enix adds her to the official site but take some of the info with a grain of salt.
