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Wishing upon the star
Shimmers and glimmers above
Pained eyes watering with an ocean of sadness
A stream flows down sunken cheeks
Frown lines etched into the face
Only hope in something so far
So distance
Something so surreal
It hangs in the sky millions of miles away
Only appearing at night
It travels to our eyes
Maybe already gone?
An illusion of safety
A spark of wonderment for a better tomorrow
In both hands strings are held
That connects to every person linked in hand
Some severed
Some strong
Some even unseen
But right now no one can see each other
Lost in the beauty of the night
Inside their own selfish wishes
A fantasy of a twisted world in ones mind
A shameless paradise lost to all others
It is only seen in the shine of tears
While casting the light of a fading but still shining star
The hope we beasts we call humans hold
Still looking at the dark sky above filled with pain
But can only hope the stars remain

Inside my heart the feelings burn in a hell
Fire hot with rage and passion
I can't stand the roaring of the flame engulfing the oxygen I live that it steals
And as it burns my nerves to a end
Scorching all of my senses
The tears on reserve pour out
And no matter how hard I try I can't stop them
They just flow so endlessly I feel like I'm drowning
In the sorrow
In the sadness
In something I can't take
My emotions kill me over and over
My hopes reflect cooly as metal knives
Which stab and rip me from the inside out
And I can only stand there
Frozen in the moment
Tasting the salt on my softly smiling lips
Because I can't break this smile
I can't free the cries held back from their prision
I just can't do anything
Nothing right
Nothing wrong
Nothing is nothing
And as I bleed letting everything out
Wether it be memories
All lost on the floor
It stains the ground beneath myself
Forever leaving my mark