More rooms or few rooms?


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Full GL Member
Do you like living in a house with more rooms or few rooms? How many rooms do you feel like it's enough to be in your house and it's good enough for you...? Personally, I'd like at least 3 to 4 rooms max. Anything more than that is going to be too much for me. Who's going do all the cleaning lol..?
I like more rooms. A gaming room, a play room and a room where I can meditate. Having a lot of rooms is okay for me.
More rooms is good but I'll take as much as I can afford final answer.
I am fine with living in a home with more rooms, or few rooms depending on the price of rent or buying the house. Sometimes homes with many rooms can be expensive, and I imagine a very big house with a few very big rooms can also be expensive.
Who's going to be cleaning all the rooms? No please, it's a punishment and I wouldn't want to be paying so much for house cleaning.