Morguin's Friends


Well-Known Member
I am looking for 3DS friends.

Feel Free to Add Me

FC: 3652-0708-0358

3DS Name: Morguin

I am currently playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

I also have Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Dead or Alive Dimensions, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Harvest Moon 3D, Etrian Oddyssey 4 and both Skylanders games and will be keeping my eye out for more titles I like :)
Added you :)

Currently playing animal crossing new leaf, harvest moon tale of 2 cities and a new beginning. mostly playing ac.
i've now added Mario kart 7 to my games list.
monthly bump!

still playing Animal Crossing :goomba:
I added you!

Friend code is at the bottom of my profile picture.

But I have none of the games that you have, so maybe we can swapnote together. :grin:
another month passes by and I have no new games. I'm still playing animal crossing new leaf and pokemon x.
Here we are in the doorway to another year and I have made no resolutions. the way I see it is people make a huge production about announcing resolutions and never complete them, so I figure why bother. Anyways, back to the gaming world :)

I'd love to see a remake of Weapon Lord on the new gen systems. probably won't happen but I felt I had to mention one of my favorite SNES games.

I'm still looking to add friends to my 3ds. I still play Animal Crossing and Pokémon X, however A Link Between Worlds is seeing a lot of playtime recently.
monthly bump.

am still waiting on the release of pokemon bank
here we are again. still playing Animal Crossing and Pokémon X, not as much but still playing, occasionally i'll break out Mario Kart.

am open to suggestions for multi player games.