Multi Mortal Kombat 11 Under DDoS Attacks


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Mortal Kombat 11 players over the last few weeks have come to learn that the game’s online modes have some critical vulnerabilities. Netplay competitors have been subjected to numerous attacks, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) targeting that makes matches unplayable and has apparently even exposed IP addresses, a particularly heinous problem that has led to at least one streamer being threatened by someone who was able to learn their home address.

When it comes to Mortal Kombat 11, a player using a DDoS attack can slow their opponent’s game to a crawl and can even boot players off the internet entirely. In a popular video first covered by Eurogamer, YouTuber sikander555 shared footage of a player named pa3com supposedly initiating a DDoS attack on the character select screen, forcing sikander555 out of the match without even throwing a single punch.

NetherRealm Studios released a statement yesterday acknowledging these attacks and promising to “make use of all options available” to alleviate the issue.
It is disappointing that Mortal Kombat 11 gamers can't play games because a DDoS attacks is attacking them.