Most visually appealing game played?

Ooh, I forgot about Black. That was indeed a very good looking game. Uncharted 4 and The Order 1886 take the top spot for me so far. Uncharted 4 has so much attention to detail and everything looks organic and well made. The Order 1886 was basically just a playable movie. It was a pretty enjoyable ride but the graphics were definitely its selling point. As far as art style goes I really liked Journey. Not only was it a good game, but a beautiful one as well.
Tough choice.. but I'll start with a good title back in the day. In 2004 this baby came out:
and.. just watch a couple of Youtube videos with some gameplay and you'll see this game had the best graphics for its time, it's actually crazy that Ubisoft were able to come out with such a great story, physics, mechanical system and graphics in 2004, a year in which games weren't really the best.

Nowadays I think GTA V and The Witcher 3 have the best graphics. When I purchased GTA V I didn't expect good graphics but dang it I was blown away with the map design, architecture and physics. Even after 3 years the games has one of the best graphic appearance on the market, it's pretty crazy.
The best graphics for a MMORPG award goes to Overwatch, no doubt. Really crisp designs.
Hey, Lords of the Fallen doesn't look that bad. Anyhow, the most visually appealing game that I have played definitely has to be Bioshock: Infinite, and before I forget, Witcher 3. Bioshock Infinite has beautiful vibrant graphics and clear skies, and it just makes me WANT to visit the imaginary town of Columbia, it just looks like something straight out of a fairytale.

Anyhow, it just looks like a nice atmosphere to live in, and it just looks beautiful.

Witcher 3 is obviously supposed to have better graphics, which it does, but it just doesn't have that nice atmosphere for me. Some of the cities are beautiful, and the graphics really are very, very good, and it's a great game and you should definitely play it if you have a good enough PC to run it. However, Witcher 3 recently got its graphics downgraded for some reason, and it looked even better before that. But hey, what can you do, it still looks great.

Bioshock Infinite gets my vote as well! It's already a 4 year old game, but the graphics to me are still on par or even better than some recently released titles.

Second place is Star Wars Battlefront, but that's largely the sci-fi nerd in me talking.
Actually, contrary to all of your posts saying that this game or that gamehas "the best quality", the best game that we ALL know is obviously............. MINECRAFT. Tbh tho as long as you think big enough minecraft can have a castle that is "4k" with 4000 blocks for width and height xD
I have played ARK: Survival Evolved on maximum settings. Fantastic graphics!

Grand Theft Auto V is also with good graphics.
Anyone here should check out odin sphere on PS3/PS4, the graphics are eye melting beautiful.

Odin sphere's art syle is beautiful indeed. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim got similar art style, looks cool too, too bad no new intel on it.

I think PUBG has a pretty good realistic graphics. I could not think of any game that looks like real like PUBG. I hope I could play this game someday. I am just watching PUBG videos in Youtube and I cannot personally play because of PC requirements.