Motivational Failure


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Full GL Member
I recently saw the promotional video of WCG and I didn't expect that the old players will be there including Moon who just recently won the APAC Finals for Warcraft 3. They mainly focused on the theme of Be the [Legend] Player which I really think is cool although it looks like in the video, Neo from the Matrix is coming:p


This gave me an idea to create this motivational thread to everyone.
What I have learned in Moon's story and in the video that no matter what you do, you should not stop doing what you love! sometimes we can get some failures here and there because not all the time we'll be at the top. Believe in yourself and everything will come to you :D

Now, I know we had a lot! you can share some here :D
Moon contribute big on WCG and in Warcraft3 so maybe that's why he is in their Promotional Video. Anyways, I've been supporting Moon since Regional Qualifiers. I'd like to see him on the Grand Finals Stage.
Wow, thanks for sharing, that was very motivational and love what they did for Warcraft 3!

That's true, I love how they used these players to create history and memories to the games like what Moon did with Warcraft 3 :hearteyecat: well that's the purpose games to make everyone come together :D