Mozilla has “stopped all commercial development of Firefox OS”


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Remember when Mozilla said it was ceasing development of Firefox OS for smartphones, but that it wasn’t giving up on the browser-based operating system altogether? Yeah, now the organization has pretty much thrown in the towel.

After shifting the focus from phones to smart TVs and other Internet of Things products for a while, Mozilla senior engineering program manager Julie McCracken says development of the operating system was “gradually wound down” and that as of the end of July Mozilla has “stopped all commercial development of Firefox OS.

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It is too bad that Firefox OS has stopped commercial development. I think that most people would rather use a cheap Google Android phone, or stick with using their regular cell phone instead of using a Firefox OS phone which did not have as many good apps, or games, and may of cost more than most regular non-smart cell phones.
That's unfortunate, but its better they stick to browsers.
Didn't have enough apps to get going - we've seen the same with Microsoft phones and tablets and BlackBerry OS.

I agree, FF OS did not have as enough apps to make it worth buying for most users who use apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Whats App, Snapchat and other social apps.

Plus, cheap Android phones with 512MB or 1GB of RAM, and 1GHz CPU can be bought for under $50 in most places, so fewer people will choose to buy a cheap Firefox OS smartphone to use everyday except for some Firefox fans.

Firefox OS phones also don't seem as durable as regular flip cell phones, and rectangular feature phones made by Nokia which are still working after many years of use.

That's unfortunate, but its better they stick to browsers.

I agree, it would be a good idea for Firefox OS to stick to desktop and mobile web browsers.