Multiple Inbox Feature for Gmail


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A week after introducing an offline version of Gmail, Google on Thursday unveiled a Multiple Inbox feature that lets users view several different Gmail inbox panes at once.

The feature will split an inbox into selected windows based on what you want to see, like starred or draft messages. It was developed by software engineer Octavian "Vivi" Costache as a Gmail Labs experiment.

"All the email I get related to Flash goes under my 'flash' label, everything about paragliding goes under 'flying,' and they all skip my inbox because that's how I like to stay organized," he wrote in a blog post. "But when new email arrives I have to switch to the 'flash' label first, then click on 'paragliding,' etc. I wanted a way to see it all at once."

With Multiple Inboxes, you "spend less time monitoring important messages that may end up getting filtered away," he wrote.

To activate, click the "Labs" tab under settings or the green Labs beaker in the top right-hand corner of you inbox. Scroll down to "Multiple Inboxes" and click enable.

"You can configure what you want to see, as well as set the number of messages displayed and the positioning of your panels from the Multiple Inboxes section under Settings," Costache wrote.

I don't get that much e-mail that I require multiple inboxs. I see this be useful for people who get a lot of e-mails.