My Capture Card


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Yes! I'm gonna get a capture card soon. Later on, I'll be able to publish nice looking videos instead of having to use a 2megapixel camera. Also, I need a good Brawl rep
My colour on my TV is messed up though, will that affect my capture card's colour output?
I'll gladly help you if you want brawl vids. Just tell me when you want to play. Though by rep...I hope ya don't mean to let ya win.
I'll gladly help you if you want brawl vids. Just tell me when you want to play. Though by rep...I hope ya don't mean to let ya win.
Well, if everything goes the way I want it to go, I should be uploading losses aswell. Not too much though, I'd just be wasting time.
Well, if everything goes the way I want it to go, I should be uploading losses aswell. Not too much though, I'd just be wasting time.

Completely understandable, we could do team matches and multi man brawls as well. I could also get others to play.
Completely understandable, we could do team matches and multi man brawls as well. I could also get others to play.
Argh, that would be amazing! Uh...What about lag? When we playd last time, it lagged due to my sh***y network signal
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Argh, that would be amazing! Uh...What about lag? When we playd last time, it lagged due to my sh***y network signal

Yeah, but if you play with people with good connection it can become stable. My wireless router is in the same room as my wii. Duckdude (who is one cantidate to play) has decent connection, but it can be bad sometimes..Greenwolf also has a good connection. If we were to all play, we'd have a pretty lagless experience aside from the first battle or two. A little lag is ok, last time was just fine in my book.
Yeah, but if you play with people with good connection it can become stable. My wireless router is in the same room as my wii. Duckdude (who is one cantidate to play) has decent connection, but it can be bad sometimes..Greenwolf also has a good connection. If we were to all play, we'd have a pretty lagless experience aside from the first battle or two. A little lag is ok, last time was just fine in my book.
Yeah, it wasn't that bad compared to what I've been through with other people lol
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What would be classed as a "good connection"?

My LACS said the speed is 100.0 Mbps (assuming thats 'bits', that's the same as about 12.5 Megabytes per second, also LACS is "Local Area Connection Status"

Generally speaking, when I've played "Basic Brawl" with maybe one person, like Luis, or another guy from here who I can't remember, there's very little lag on average. There might be the occasional slow-down, but not like I usually get on Team Brawl where the entire match is so laggy that it usually takes a normal match's worth of time to just do the countdown at the start

Anyway, my FC is 4984-6449-0348

I should warn you that you will all be in for some serious pwning ....
of me, by you
Unless I've got this wrong, "NC64" is for normal stuff like video game videos, and CM is for "WTF" stuff like random animations you did in Paint, or maybe a YTP when you manage to do one?

Also, I was just looking at your CM profile, and saw the part where it says "About me".... and I discovered something awesome... "you're a man"
Also ... what's it like working for That Skyscraper?