My Chrome Experience


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Well, Ive decided to test the new Google browser, names chrome.

Look. 9/10
I like the look, its slim theme allows the most area of the site to be shown.


Ive run 6 tests a test on my site, a download test, a youtube test, myspace test, a CPU/RAM test and a search test.

Site test. 10/10
it works good, it renders the page perfectly, it seems to load about 1/10 of a second faster than FireFox.

Download test. 9/10
Downloads are shown in a little bar at the bottom of your browser. It is closeable and quite nice looking.

Youtube, 7/10 passed, but barely.
It took forever to load, but it works, the videos play and all.

Myspace test. 8/10
Myspace took forever to load, the apps are workable but it took a second to load.

CPU/RAM Test 8/10
I ran 3 tabs, it runs 4 programs, and it it using about 60,000 kb ram. It runs about 25% of my CPU, much better than FireFox

Search test 10/10
Very convenient search, when you install it askes you what engine to use, I stuck with the google engine, and it worked fast and easy, no worries.

Over All 8.9/10
I would say its nice, I would wait until all the issues are fix'd, though I havnt seen any. It has a spell checker. A nice blue theme. Light on the CPUs. Searchs easyly.
Over all, its good.
Chrome is a good browser, but All my auto passwords, and bookmarks are on IE, so I still use IE most.

If I had no autofills or bookmarks on IE, I probably pick Chrome as my main browser.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ October 30, 2008 10:32 pm) Chrome is a good browser, but All my auto passwords, and bookmarks are on IE, so I still use IE most.

If I had no autofills or bookmarks on IE, I probably pick Chrome as my main browser.
You can transfer them you know?
I've find Chrome to run a lot more smoothier and faster than expected. It will serve to me as my backup browser if my other web browsers aren't willing to effectively load certain pages.