My colored username


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I haven't been here much but I was sure I used to have a colored name here.
Just what in the world happened to it? ;_;
I think the color effect only lasts so long?
while I got your attention on this, how do I do rainbow color usernames?
I think I tried adding that for DH at some point but removed it. I will try to find the resource I used. In the meanwhile, found this that might be useful although it does use a background image rather than changing the text colour.

color: #61be09;
background-image: url(…&rid=giphy.gif);
color: transparent;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
I think I tried adding that for DH at some point but removed it. I will try to find the resource I used. In the meanwhile, found this that might be useful although it does use a background image rather than changing the text colour.

color: #61be09;
background-image: url(…&rid=giphy.gif);
color: transparent;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;

neat, thanks.
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So no permanent coloured username then...
That's a pity..I was hoping for a very good coloured name for life.... ;_;