My confession: I enjoyed Final Fantasy 13


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I know most gamers hate it because it's too linear and there's no over world to explore so to speak, but I enjoyed the heck out of this game when I played it a couple years ago. The battle system was perfect and the game did a good job of introducing all of the mechanics. I also liked almost all of the character; Hope is a whiny turd, but Sazh is great. The story is pretty wild and ridiculous, but decent enough at keeping the plot going and keeping my interest. The music is amazing. Just my two cents.
My husband played some of thirteen and didn't like it at all for the reasons you listed. I've never played a Final Fantasy game (I know, I know! I have Ten for PS3, I just need to sit down and play it!) but there was one thing I DEFINITELY liked about 13. Sazh's Frocobo. I Love it.
People think FF13 is bad? I don't see why it's great. I mean if you're saying that the other Final Fantasy games aren't linear, I don't know if I'd want to play them. That's what I loved about the game because there was no way to get lost... Actually that's not true because I haven't beat the game because I got lost. I made the game the unwinable by accidently going to the next cutscene and now the Cith won't appear on my map so I can't do those quests and I can't get the long jump and I'm pretty sure I need it... and I think I'm under leveled. Though one day I do want to go back and beat it. And if it possible to beat the game the way it is now, let me know cause I really want to beat the game I just hate the bosses having billions of hp and then getting it all back... Especially when you're under leveled and your attacks do nearly nothing.
Well I won't spoil it for you but the final boss has a move that is unblockable and instantly kills your entire party. He also uses it a random. Beating him is based on the sheer luck that he didn't use his instant death move.

I haven't played a ton of Final Fantasy games, but I know in the older ones you usually have an overworld with caves and towns to to find and explore. They can be a tad linear with only one location available for you to go to in the overworld at times, but they do a decent job of disguising it and making the game look open.