My Friend Code

A lot of you will already have my friend code, but anyway, it's 5155-2908-3928.

And if anyone's look for other people to add, here's my full Friend List, so far:
  1. Gary: 0903-2806-9000
  2. Manbearpig: 1676-3739-8499
  3. Ninja*: 0087-2305-7358
  4. RootBoi: 2492-4140-3369
  5. Porkman: 3823-8514-6878
  6. Ben: 1032-1215-8427
  7. Andy: 4296-3001-5967
  8. Kyle: 0216-0812-0467
  9. Darki: 3351-4043-2981
  10. BioApple: 0087-2321-6958
  11. Reschke: 3952-7031-7232
  12. Ian J: 4596-9458-8980
  13. dylan: 1590-4696-6392
  14. Ivie: 5455-9383-6204
  15. Lici: 2793-0616-8927
  16. Denverdude: 0344-9318-3686
  17. domdom: 1075-0778-4961
  18. IcarusGirl: 0516-7328-8839 (my sister)
  19. Jon: 1032-1230-9485
  20. Thomas: 4468-0996-6235
  21. Dopematic: 3308-4593-8503
  22. Mikey: 0817-3816-9562
  23. Danek: 1977-0226-5196
  24. Eric: 3265-5062-3242
  25. Scott: 2277-6681-7933
  26. Emma: 0387-8761-0757
  27. Eron: 2406-5198-5209
  28. re11ding: 1418-6809-8843
  29. Sean: 0044-3000-9179
  30. Mario: 1289-8403-7195 (mario#1 I think; used to be Zachary)
  31. JBrewer: 2062-9172-7480
  32. Aaron: 3265-5066-0469 (MarioKartMaster?)
  33. Dane: 2750-1344-0573
  34. Eduardo: 4081-5495-4175
  35. Mathieu: 4210-4099-3273
  36. Cobra King: 1118-0288-3468
  37. StarMario: 5112-3420-9544
  38. Mat: 2363-5819-8174
  39. Super Leaf: 4296-3066-7290
  40. Tiger: 3480-2716-4768 (Tiger21820)
  41. Hiland: 4382-2089-1712
  42. Yoshian12: 0602-6275-6231
  43. aweshonYAH: 5370-0450-8887
  44. Bank-C: 0516-7318-7294
  45. David: 1332-7801-1755 (SpoonySage)
  46. Kbf: 3780-9167-1807
  47. Sloth88: 1461-6226-2237
  48. SMFX100: 4682-8526-1146
  49. Jesse: 0216-0813-2736
  50. Star.*: - 2578-3180-2527
  51. Time: 2535-3781-2766
  52. INFAMOUS: 0903-2737-3885
  53. caden: 0259-0466-6301
  54. Andy: 3265-5325-9611
  55. 8note: 0645-5925-6824
  56. Craven Cur: 2535-3641-3943
  57. William: 1289-8227-5842
  58. *Miller28*: 1375-7268-6996
  59. Ronnie: 2320-6141-8835
  60. Jacob: 3609-1147-5599
  61. TLK777: 2406-5230-2653
  62. RyeU: 0903-2744-2810
  63. Jessica: 5112-3499-3591
  64. Leonce: 1719-3583-6607
  65. Ally: 1848-1802-8272
  66. Sparx: 4639-8946-9137
  67. Catrina: 2621-2760-3350
  68. Jordan: 1762-2998-5272
  69. Ryan: 2191-8157-4775 (Ryan2366)
  70. Howsen: 0774-4680-2766 (Dev)
  71. cm30: 4983-5165-4189 (Nin3DS)
  72. STVH: 5455-9682-0735 (STVB)
  73. Kev: 2363-5782-8782 (Gelivable)
  74. Emma: 0645-5745-4049
  75. Gavin: 2449-5007-5889
  76. Hamburger: 2578-3638-7666 (NintenDan)
  77. Andreas: 3437-3215-9626 (RoboFall)
  78. Tiger: 0302-0580-1162 (Tiger21820)
  79. aielele: 4725-8831-5865 (annie)
  80. Kirby_Z: 1375-8024-1319
  81. fanofsaga: 2664-2891-4413
  82. maverick: 5155-3244-8864
I'd like to know something... Tiger, which one is yours? Because I have 0302-0580-1162, and 3480-2716-4768. Which is the current one?
So do you know if any of those people own Mario Tennis Open and live in the U.S.? Sorry, Mario Tennis is the only game with online play I own.
ill start adding those my friend code is 1246-9583-8475
koopa I added you

Pokemon Black version 2:

Friend Code: 1507-4227-5120 Name: Tera

3DS Friend Code:

added you tuk and some of your current friends