My mantra at this point.....


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I'm still working in retail and I still haven't had any luck at getting outta there. Despite the fact that I've been applying to different places and I can't even get an interview. It's not like I'm running down to the hospital and applying for the position of heart surgeon, something I know that I'm not even remotely qualified for.

I'm going to start singing this out loud to myself every day before going to work (don't hit the play button if you're at work btw)......

I know it's more work, but I basically got a tip from a relative to try Fiverr and I was thinking that could get me some references.
Have you ever considered working in factories? Those were the only jobs I did. I couldn't work retail or where you had to interact with the public on a day to day basis. I worked 2nd shift so it was nice not dealing with the public.
I hope you find a job you are looking for :)
Have you ever considered working in factories? Those were the only jobs I did. I couldn't work retail or where you had to interact with the public on a day to day basis. I worked 2nd shift so it was nice not dealing with the public.
I hope you find a job you are looking for :)

Bruh, factory jobs suck.