My new friend code for my 3DS XL!


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Full GL Member
Hello everyone. Are you wondering why I have a new friend code? Well I wanted to start with a completely new one because here's the reason:

I have got a Wii U as I've stated in my Status Update that I posted a couple days ago, and I've ended up making a new account on Wii U without even hearing of the whole "Combine your eShop balances between your 3DS and Wii U". I just got so excited about doing that, that I even forgot that I could do that. So I tried doing it all over again but I had to link my Wii U ID to my 3DS one...BUT here's the catch, I have two different ID's and there is no way to merge them. So I had to completely delete everything and start from scratch, which is really stupid.

Anyway. I have a new friend code. Please feel free to add me: 1134-9342-2421 and the name is Zachary A.

* Note Please delete my old Mii if you have it and add my new one. And I'm only adding 20 people this time, no more than 20.

Thank you so much! Happy gaming!
My sister learnt the hard way.

We originally shared my Wii U, and she had set up a NNID on my Wii U, which she then connected to her 3DS. She then got a Wii U for herself. But of course you can't just transfer the NNID to another Wii U. So we had to delete it.

But the worst part is... she had to buy OOT 3D.. for £34.99 -- AGAIN!
Well no I did not contact Nintendo, brady1one. I had Pokémon X downloaded onto my 3DS that I got from registering a game from Club Nintendo's promotion back in March. There's probably no way to get it back.
did you contact nintendo so that you could retrieve your already bought games to put them on the new system?

I did. They basically said "It's in the guidelines. Tough" :p