My new video game trivia show (need critique)


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Full GL Member
Hi everyone, awhile back I asked some of you here to give me some insight on a gaming show I put together. And the things you guys said was appreciated and taken to heart. I even implemented some of the suggestions. But now I've tried it out in an official capacity. But that doesn't mean there isn't room to work, grow, and tweak things. So, if you could, can you give me some suggestions on how to improve? And like before, don't spare my feelings. I need honesty, not sugarcoating. If things suck, let me know. I can't improve on it if I don't have honesty. Thanks guys.

This is the second episode I put up in the video below

Looks pretty good.
Looks pretty good.

Besides, the beta, I've already had two episodes. I'm trying to find a balance. Can't make the questions too hard because then nobody will win anything. But at the same time, I can't make them too easy because then anyone can get them without thinking.