My Saturdays are finished.


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Well with the latest killing of toonami my Saturdays are now officially dead for watching tv. this is due to nothing being on the weekends, toonami is gone, Adult swim only has 1 anime show on and the other two are on sunday morning and there really isn't much on in the morning.

about 8-9 years ago I be pretty much glued to my tv set all saturday watching shows or the weekdays now there is nothing on which is telling me that I will be watching a lot of shows on the net now.

so do you think that all tv stations are going down hill with no stop?
That really sucks. To fill the void, on saturdays I would just watch clips online or something.
QUOTE (Shadow Cypher @ September 25, 2008 03:48 pm) Hmm, it seems I've started a trend....
yes you have. but really the one day I look forward to out of all my week is now destroyed. I'm so depressed right now
QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ September 26, 2008 08:19 pm) A lot of things are going downhill right now. Or atleast they seem to be. Maybe it's just that we are all getting older.
or maybe there is truth behind that 2012 thing >_< but yeah it may be were getting older but I will always miss my childhood.