My "Take" on Call of Duty Ghosts


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So, I've only played around 30-46 minutes of Call of Duty Ghosts (PC version) and I love it. My graphics card is a little below borderline for the game and the multiplayer portion is running fine on low settings (there's a "very low" option and that's just horrible). There are times my computer sticks after a match ends when the lobby list shows up, but that's alright for my mobile GPU I guess.

Anyway, time to talk about the gameplay...

Game modes are fun. It's a lot more balanced that Modern Warfare 3 IMO from what I've seen. And yes DS, I killed the dogs perfectly fine. I love that you can camp in more places. These grass campers get a stylish death from me, lmfao. The maps that I've played so far are beautiful. I played the one with the hot dog stand, the one with the grass camping, and the snow battlefield. A couple of others, but you get the point.

I have to say, it's a great game IMO.
I've been enjoying bltiz as my favorite mode and I'm getting use to the maps. I just need some sniper and stealth equipment so I can camp hard on run and gunners.

spawns need a patch though, I'm respawning right in front of enemies.

Also they need to change squads, none of my unused characters are leveling up as I play with them.
I really should buy this game soon :( its been out a while too which is annoying. I have just been getting too carried away with Grand Theft Auto. Good job you guys can recommend it though as it may persuade me even more to buy looking at your reviews.
Adam said:
I really should buy this game soon :( its been out a while too which is annoying. I have just been getting too carried away with Grand Theft Auto. Good job you guys can recommend it though as it may persuade me even more to buy looking at your reviews.
I would pass on ghosts, the offline story mode isn't worth $10 and unless you can camp and good with a sniper rifle, online will chew you up.

Not to mention it takes forever to level up in this game. Even for a hardcore person, it will take 3 months if not more to fully level all their guys.
Err.. The Honey Badger and the AK-12 are decent assault riffles and they work better than snipers IMO. Some shotguns are annoying on small maps.

The multiplayer is worth it if you're a Call of Duty online multiplayer fan IMO. The single player, well, I can't say anything about that, >_>
Demon_Skeith said:
I do like the honey badger, I often kill people clear across the map with that gun.
Then you should try out the AK-12 with a silenced attachment and extra mags. I use it all the time and people call me a hacker when I go 32:2, -_-'
Then you should try out the AK-12 with a silenced attachment and extra mags. I use it all the time and people call me a hacker when I go 32:2, -_-'

That is by far the best gun...
Walter H. White said:
That is by far the best gun...
It's nothing compared to one of those overpowered shotguns on a small map. The bullets you pump into the enemy wouldn't be enough.
Demon_Skeith said:
AK 12 isn't bad, though doesn't help much if the other guy comes out of nowhere.
Use the perk that makes you invisible to radars. That and the silenced attachment will make you the player who "comes out of nowhere", >_>
I have both on, and it's help me blind side a lot of people. But I play the mosh pit maps a lot and people do just appear around corners suddenly and the AK 12 doesn't exactly have a fast start up fire rate.