'Myst' Comes To The DS, PSP


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The surrealistic exploration game is scheduled to ship in North America in March 2008. According to developers Empire Interactive, the game takes full advantage of the DS's technology by using the stylus as the key method of interaction and the dual screen as a vehicle to provide additional information.

"The new interface for MYST enhances the gameplay in all-new ways. The upper screen of the system provides information and allows players to view magnified images, while the bottom screen is used to access mini-tools and navigate throughout the realistic worlds of MYST. Additionally, to aid in their expedition to uncover clues and solve the mysteries of MYST, players have a new arsenal of mini-tools at their disposal, including a magnifying glass, camera, notebook, and map. Now, players can closely inspect and interact with clues and items, take snapshots for future use, keep notes in a diary, and pinpoint key locations within the game."


WARNING: this game has tons and tons of very hard and time consuming puzzles. only get this game if you have 6 months of time to waste and love to play hard puzzle games.

other wise enjoy it