N3DSC Mafia I: The witches of Shout lane


Full GL Member
N3DSC Mafia I: The witches of Shout lane

Sup! I'm Dev, the host of this wonderful game. If you've played this type of game before, then nice, you should know most of the rules. If not: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_(par_game) I think this would be a fun thing for us all to do for a week or two, and it would be awesome if we could get all the active N3DSC members participating. Please note: When playing this game all forum relationships are to be ignored. Do not be biased. Now, have fun!

In the small town of Nintendo-Three-Dee-Ess-Community, there lived lots of people. Around 20, to be specific.They all lived in harmony...until one day...an innocent member fell. He laid in a pool of blood...surrounded by wheat...everyone knew...it was the witches of shout lane's doing!


First, 20 people must sign up via a simple post in this thread saying something under the lines of: "Sign me up broski". That's all you have to do! Mods and Admins alike can play this game, the more, the merrier!

The basic gameplay of Mafia is simple. 15 of the 20 people are townies. These people are trying to deduce who the Mafia is. 5 people are the Mafia. These people are bad. They talk at night and kill off one person each night! Beware, the mafia wins once there are less townies than mafia. The townies win once everyone who is Mafia is dead. There are, however, more roles.


Once everyone has signed up, Night 0 will start and everyone will be PM'd their role. IF YOU DO NOT RECIEVE A PM, YOU ARE A TOWNIE. ONLY PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL ROLES (E.G MAFIA, DETECTIVE) WILL RECIEVE PMS.

Once everything is ready, all actions that can happen at night will be executed, and Day 1 will start. Suspicions will be discussed until the end of the day, when at least 60% of participants have voted after a period of 48 hours. Day and night will last 2 days maximum.

People will post in the thread discussing who is the mafia, their suspicions, etc. etc. Townies are allowed to kill a player off at the end of the day. They do this by VOTING for who they want killed in a BOLDFACED post, in this thread.


I really think that SuperMarioFanX100 is Mafia.


That's it, voting is simple! Townies have the easiest possible role here, just discuss your suspicions and vote at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, the more votes you have, the more likely you are to be lynched.

So to revise:

Daytime - Discuss suspicions, vote in post, roleplay.
Nightime - Don't post in thread, All Night roles activated.

Simple enough? Good, because now comes the complex stuff.


Five of you are evil. You have an intense lust for blood, and you pretty much wanna kill all the townies. At night, in a PM, you will discuss who you want to kill, and PM the result to me. That person will be killed at the end of the night. You (as a group) must also leave a CLUE every second night, as to who you might be. Note: on NIGHT ZERO you must simply leave a clue as to who you are. No kills, that makes it unfair for other people who have registered.

You have the power to protect ONE person from being killed during the night. You cannot protect the same person consecutively, if, for example, you protected NIN3DS the first night, you would not be able to protect him the next day. At the end of the day, PM me your choice of whoever you will protect.

Little girl:
The little girl is a special role. At night, when the Mafia lynches someone, She has a 1 in 3 chance to "Witnesses" it, revealing to her one of the Mafia's names (I will do this via PM) There is a 1 in 5 chance she will be caught, in which she herself is lynched by the mafia, instead of the person they were intending to lynch. If the little girl is protected by the Sheriff, however, then the Mafia is warded off and the name of the person is revealed publicly.

The detective, every night, will PM me to recieve either:
A) Hints to two people's roles, or
The role of
one person
i.e "Investigating" a person. They can only do this once per night.

Brony and Pegasister
One or both or none of these people can be Mafia. Because they both like ponies, they win if they are the last ones standing, regardless of whether they are mafia or not. If one dies, the other immediately kills theirself. One person is Brony and the other is Pegasister, regardless of Gender.

If there are any things that are not clear, please mention them in this thread. Have fun, register now!
(Also, could someone please sticky this topic? I think it would be a fun monthly thing to do for N3DSC!)

These people are the people that have been lynched. i.e once you are lynched you become one of these guys. Every 2 nights, I will randomly select one of these people to give a hint as to who the Mafia is. This can be the same person in succession. If you are mafia, once you become a ghost, you are now a "Regretful" and must help the innocents. You still act like a ghost. Ghosts cannot talk in the thread, they are "dead".

Special events
Decided completely at random, one of the following 6 things COULD happen during the night OR day. I won't tell you the probability of these happening. The probability of a special event is entirely random each day!

1. Lynched person comes back to life
2. Plague spreads through town; one extra person has a 1 in 2 probability of dying when night ends
3. One of the Mafia members turns innocent; unbeknownst to the people who are in the Mafia.
4. WEATHER - Rainy. Play time is slightly increased.
5. WEATHER - Sunny. Host's judgement is slightly lowered, votes may be "accidentally" mixed up
6. WEATHER - Windy. One selected person is PMed and is told that their alignment is temporarily reversed (Due to disorentation from wind, if you were MAFIA you are temporarily INNOCENT, and vice versa.
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1. Remilia Scarlet
2. Kirby_ Z
3. flame8300
4. Skymin50
5. Fillfall
6. Cha
7. Johnwaluigi
8. SupahSonicFan
9. Captian Cutler
10. SuperMarioFanX100
11. Lord Regal
12. Toon Ike
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Sign me up...
"Say hello to my little friend!!" *pulls out machine gun*
Signups updated!

Fillfall, Night 0 starts when everyone's signed up, their roles will be activated, but there won't be a kill. After all roles have been successfully completed, or after 48 hours have passed, Day 1 will then start. Then 48 hours pass, or until everyone's voted; then someone is lynched by townspeople at the end of the day, and then Night 1 starts. Then night roles go on, then after all that's done/48 hours pass, Day 2 starts. Loop goes like that.
Hmm...seems close enough to an RP for me to be interested, sure, I'm in. Just to clarify, this is done here on the forums, right?
Yep, this is done right here on the forums.

Oh yeah, almost forgot.

Roleplaying is allowed in this game, give it a plot people!
Well, it seems that we're not gonna be able to get more people on the list!
Sign ups closed, let's get this started!

RULE CHANGES: Roleplaying is allowed. Designate Roleplay with [IC] and Discussion with [OOC].

Well, it seems that we're not gonna be able to get more people on the list!
Sign ups closed, let's get this started!

RULE CHANGES: Roleplaying is allowed. Designate Roleplay with [IC] and Discussion with [OOC].



PMS Have been sent out. The Mafia is out there...Now, Townies, vote! Vote to save your lives! Roleplaying is allowed here. Go go go.

Please note: Don't tell anyone your role. Everyone is assumed to be Townies. At day, you all act like Townies. Clear? Now..

DAY 1...Has begun