N3DSC's Slogan


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Just a thinker...
If N3DSC had a slogan (unless you count "3DS IS OUT NOW!" as a slogan) what would the slogan be?
I was giving my congrats to Nin3ds here and then I realised what I had said "giving this community a better sight!" and I was like "yes! this has to be our 'slogan' or whatever..." of course, I could've chosen a better word than "sight" but what can you do?

Can ya' think of a better one? >__>
This is very close the the QOTD I was thinking of *Shifty eyes*

And I would say, I can't think of one, yet.
"A new dimension of game discussion!"
Hey, uh, I heard the NintenDan Alarm go off and I kinda just rushed over... so... new banner, eh? I'm guessing I have to update the red, black and blue styles, right? (Darn it, I only just updated those!)

I'll do them all now.