NC's Question Of The Day #13 (Special)


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, members!

Today is going to be a special Question of the Day, because I'm randomly feeling generous!
How about you guys ask me a question, instead of me asking you questions all the time? How it works:
All you have to do, is ask me one question here. And I will answer it in the next Question of the day, and of course, I will choose more than one (if I get a ploral amount of questions) However, some wont be selected, you'll just have to be lucky! I'm going to be choosing your questions for the next Questions of the Day by random, so good luck, everybody.

Get asking!
NC, why do girls shave their legs???
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
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If 4y = 17x + 14 and 25y + 15x = 23, where do the lines intersect?

If only I could work this out

OK, so if 4y = 17x + 14, then y = 17x/4 + 14/4
If 25y + 15x = 23, then 25y = 23 - 15x, or -15x + 23, and so y = -15x/25 + 23/25
Therefore 17x/4 + 14/4 = -15x/25 + 23/25
17x/4 + 15x/25 = 23/25 - 14/4
4[sup]17[/sup]/[sub]20[/sub]x = -2[sup]29[/sup]/[sub]50[/sub]
Thus, x = [sup]-2[sup]29[/sup]/[sub]50[/sub][/sup]/[sub]4[sup]17[/sup]/[sub]20[/sub][/sub] = -[sup]142[/sup]/[sub]485[/sub]

Therefore the x co-ordinate of the intersection should be -[sup]142[/sup]/[sub]485[/sub]... to check this, substitute that value for x in both equations, which I'll do when I feel like it (why can't you pause live TV?)
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


Here's mine.

Mary's dad has five children. Ron, Sally, George and Cream. Who's the fifth child?


If you traveled at the speed of light, how many Nanoseconds would it take to get to the sun, from earth?


If high tide is at 8:00PM, and Low tide is 8:00AM, When will high tide be back again?

Finally, Where's FMO?
What was your biggest accomplishment so far here on 3DSC or DSU?