NC's Question Of The Day #14


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Cosmos Ruler-SMFX100 asked "So, What was your biggest accomplishment so far here on 3DSC or DSU?" I'd have to say, my biggest accomplishment was being member of the month before DSU was shut down, is was great to have finally won somthing!

General Guy asked "What was the awesomest thing you did?" The awesomest thing I've done is finally threw a punch first in a fight. (Which is very hard for me to do) but I did it, and I won

Thought I forgot?
Today's question of the Day is: What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? (Don't be afraid to post it)
Peeing myself in Kindergarten. My teacher denied my rights to used the bathroom and it kinda just came out... Even though I was 5 I was still embarrassed.
Actually I guess I could go worse by crapping my pants at school last year. In 10th grade. I have a fear of using the bathroom in public and couldn't go. The only reason it wasn't embarassing was because no one found out.
Posting in this thread. That's an Embarrassment.

i.e I've yet to be totally embarrassed.
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Well.......... Doing what DYL and Yoshi Did. (Second Grade) Is definatly in the top 3. But the worst must be when *Sniffle* I lost my job as Comsic Ruler and at my exit speech I got drunk and humiliated myself
I dunno. Never peed my pants, unlike (it seems) most of the people here!
Some idiot in school pulled my pants and uunderwear down in one go, in front of everyone. Instead of laughing at me, everyone just felt bad for me, which kinda made me feel better.
Some idiot in school pulled my pants and uunderwear down in one go, in front of everyone. Instead of laughing at me, everyone just felt bad for me, which kinda made me feel better.

Hey... This is similar to what happened to me in Year 9, but at least my underwear didn't go down. It was also a friend who did it... (Before you ask Dev, no, I didn't kick him in the balls, but I gave him a very good cuff around the earhole.)

I think one of most embarrassing moments was in pre-primary. Not sure why, but I got my foot 'caught' in a climbing net by sticking my foot straight through one of the square gaps in it and being late for when class (if that's what you call it) started by about 10 minutes because I didn't think I could pull my foot out. I wasn't embarrassed at the time since I didn't know about that feeling, but I find it funny now!
lol, if someone pants'd me, i'd smile and laugh...unless it was someone I didn't like at all, then i'd rearrange their face. I mean if your underwear went down, so what..they're the ones looking. The one who did it is obviously confused in mor eways than one.

Meh, only embarrasing thing that happened to me is having a bad haircut and showing it to my family (recently too,last year around summer.) Though i'm not easily bugged, so I laughed at myself too.
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For me, it's when I climbed up on the roof of my house... And couldn't get down. I now know at least two ways onto every structure around my residence, and can get down the same ways, as well as by just jumping off.