NC's Question Of The Day #19


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, members!

Well, since there is nothing much to say, Today's Question Of The Day is...
What is your favourite hot drink?
Mine has to be hot chocolate or tea (Not, just because I'm English)
Anyways, I love those. But I hate coffee.
What about you guys?
This QOTD is the 19th edition. Thank you, Yoshi.

No problemo, NC.
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This one's number 19, dude.

Err, as for hot drinks, I'm going to say my favorite is... Hot Cocoa?

NO! I GOT IT! The Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks. It's like apple cider on DRUGS. <3
Probably tea, even though I'm American, I come from British roots, and Tea is easily accessed in my house. Although, I only enjoy my tea with a lot of sugar.

A LOT OF SUGAR, to be honest.
Probably tea, even though I'm American, I come from British roots, and Tea is easily accessed in my house. Although, I only enjoy my tea with a lot of sugar.

A LOT OF SUGAR, to be honest.

High five for lost of sugar and milk
Low five for refilling the kettle every minute...
Hot chocolate. But I prefer cold drinks 95% of the time.
I don't drink many hot liquids. I usually let hot chocolate cool down to when it's only warm chocolate.
Hot chocolate. But I prefer cold drinks 95% of the time.

Agreed, although I prefer a cold drink 99.9% of the time. I don't drink hot drinks very much at all, even on a cold day. Maybe the odd one or two per year, if I'm really, really lucky. OR if I have a bad sore throat during winter.