NC's Question Of The Day #21


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, yeah I haven't posted a QOTD in a helluva long time!
But today should be a good one, hopefully!

My questions for you guys are:
How do you feel about Justin Bieber and why?
How do you feel about Justin Bieber's songs and why?

Well, he's been big in the pop business and he's one of the most popular people in the world, right now and I don't dislike him at all, he's just another pop star to please the audience and he's doing a d@mn good job if I be honest. There is one thing that I hate about him, though, and that's how must he is over rated! I don't really understand why most young girls go crazy over him just because he can sing (also, in my opinion, he can sing quite well) and because he dances... he's no different than any other human being! Anyway, I just think that he's any other celebrity that is very, very overrated.

As popular as he is, I don't hear his songs as much as I used to (maybe that's because I'm British and if it is, then he's not that popular, is he? I don't know...) But when I heard him, my classmates b*tched and moaned about his voice being so premature for his age, it didn't really bother me much until the girls started to love him. I wanted to see what the fuss was about and I think Justin has quite a decent voice, despite what people say. His songs arn't my type of 'jam' anyway! xD

What about you guys?
I personally dislike him, but then again, I dislike 99.99% of the music made today.
I could care less about the kid, his music is atrocious but so is most everything they put on the radio. Its his fanbase that gets to me...
I don't like Justin Beeper and her taste of music is crap. Though I did like where she got shot CSI
He's like totally, like just like, totally like totally just like, just, totally like, totally just like crap and like totally lame.
Sorry, puberty's kicking in.
Justin biber's songs are the equivalent of two bums fighting over a crumb of stale 5-year-old bread.
I'll put it this way.. The only time I liked him was when he walked into a revolving door. And the time when he nearly walked into another door. AND the time when someone threw a bottle and it hit him in the head.
I dislike his music, seeing as I'm a oldies kinda guy, but what really gets to me is his fan base. The overexcited, pubescent, raged filled little girls are just ready to burst any minute. The fact that small children have been trampled at his concerts horrify me. You can't even go to any music video on Youtube, especially my oldies, without a war in the comments about the blonde haired dictator. If you even dare speak out against him, even in a civilized manor, ( Which is also hard to come by on Youtube), you suffer the wrath of a million little love crazed girls, blinded by the flow of his hair.
I have no interest in either him or his music whatsoever. I won't judge anyone for liking/hating his songs, because I haven't heard them and don't plan to, and it's all opinion anyway. I just wish people would stop arguing about him, because it's so pointless.
I have never liked beiber, but here's a kind of awesome story.
There is a kid in my school, Gavin, who looks pretty much like Beiber. So last Tuesday, I learned from the fanatic who sits next to me in science that "OMG IT'S JUSTIN BEIBERS' BIRTHDAY OH MAH GAWD IT'S SO AMAZING!!"
So in the next class, as Gavin sits down, my teacher exclaims, "Happy Birthday Beibs!!" And we all sing Happy Birthday to him for a few minutes. Note that this teacher is a little insensitive, but no one cares.