NC's Question Of The Day #22


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, folks!
Well, it's 12:10 here, and I've just woken up... ugh, I have waking up early (yeah, 12:10pm is early for me, don't judge me! D:)
Anyway, since I started this thread off be talking about waking up Today's Question Of The Day is....

What is the first thing you normally do when you get up/wake up?
Well, I normally just swich on the TV in my room for a bit, then I go downstairs and say g'mornin' to everyone. After that, I have a wash, go back up stairs and then check out the internet.
... And that's how the begining of my day starts,
how about you guys?
What is the first thing you normally do when you get up/wake up?
I just woke up now. I got on here. I always get on here when I first wake up.
Get out of bed.
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Crap, I always forget to get out of bed in the morning. Damn it's embarrassing when I try to fit into the bathroom to go to the toilet and I realise I'm still in bed.

That was a good comment, NintenDan!

When I get up, it's toilet, get dressed, have breakfast whilst watching TV (IF, and that is a BIG IF, there's anything on), brush my teeth, feed the rabbit, and after that I either go to school or turn on my PC to come here, but this depends on what day it is. Also, when I do go to school I have breakfast and THAN get dressed. Not sure why, maybe I'm just weird.
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On school days? Wake up at 5:50 A.M., get ready for school, then leave.

On weekends? Sleep in, then get up, make breakfast, and watch TV or something. I'm grounded, so I usually don't get to jump on the video games or computer.
My daily battle for survival against the world begins. At night it ends. And the cycle starts over forever.
On weekdays I get up at around 6:40, shower and such, eat some eggs, and go to school.

On weekends I get up at 10 A.M.-2 P.M. depending on how much sleep I'v been getting, usually I fall out of bed and play vidja games until someone finds something to do for me or I get hungry.
I sit up, adjust myself so I'm facing the side of my bed, put my feet on the floor, stand up, turn to face the door, walk up to it, grab the knob, turn the knob, open the door, and walk out. There's more, but my fingers are sick of typing.
Get up, check my phone for messages, walk over to bathroom,empty the bladder, brush teeth, mouthwash, shave, shower.