NC's Question Of The Day #30th Birthday! :D


And here we are!
Full GL Member
NC's Question of the Day #30th Anniversary!
Heya, folks! xD
Since today's Question of the Day ends in a zero, I thought to myself "why don't I do a special question of the day for all the pimps and homies out there?" So..
Below this sentence, there are 30 questions/tasks in green, if you answer all of them, I'll let you in on a prize! If you answer/do any less than 30, then... your mom.(Please put the number of the question you are answering infront of your answer so, I know that you've answered them all)
So, here goes:-

1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?
2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?
3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?
4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)
5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!
6What do you like about N3DSC?
7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?
8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?
9Tell a honest secret about yourself.
10Hug or handshake?
11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.
12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)
13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?
14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?
15What are cheese nuggets? -.-
16Name 3 things that you are scared of.
17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?
18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?
19What is your all time favourite song?
20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"
21What do you like about me?
22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?
23When was the last time you lied?
24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?
25Meat or Candy?
26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"
27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"
28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)
29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day
30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

That was ALOT of questions, and all for you...
I'm gonna' take a long walk...
Be sure to answer all those.
Thanks for participating in NC's Question Of The Day.
#31 Will be here tomorrow.
Peace out.
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1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?
A toy Pokedex from the Hoenn region.

2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?
Cardboard box outside of Wal-Mart.

3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?
What is your favorite Summer activity.

4What do you like about yourself?
I have a really fast tongue. I'm serious.

5Can you post your favourtie YouTube video?
I don't know why.

6What do you like about N3DSC?
Everyone is nice.

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?
Mario. He has a powerful jump and a hammer (sometimes) and sonic can run fast.

8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?
Goku. Just to have a power level over 9000 before anyone else.

9Tell a honest secret about yourself.
I drank whiskey when I was 4 because I thought it was soda.

10Hug or handshake?
Handshake. (Lol Family Guy.)

11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.
An interesting human specimen.

12What do you hate about yourself?
I fail at every sport.

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?
A trained policeman. I'm white so he won't beat me up. (Oh god that was kind of racist. xD)

14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?
$120. It was all I got.

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-
Chicken nuggests filled with cheese?

16Name 3 things that you are scared of.
(They're all different.)

17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?
3 days ago by a girl. (I think she called me sexy which kind of freaked me out because i was talking about the painting.)

18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?
Discos. Because they'll play decent music.

19What is your all time favourite song?
It's Not Easy To Be Me-David Gray. (Also known as Superman by Five For Fighting.)

20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"
3DS's are not cool because the 3D technology bores me.

21What do you like about me?
Same as in 11

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?
They can make good games, but make really crappy sequals.

23When was the last time you lied?
Yesterday. I told some girl she didn't look fat even though she did. I'm such a good person.

24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?
Fist bumps.

25Meat or Candy?
It's too hard. T_T I guess meat because it has Steak and Oreos aren't really candy. Unless Pocky Sticks are candy... No meat.

26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"
I like Nintendo because they make awesome platformers.

27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"
NintenDan should be mayor because he will stop the invastion of cheese nugget haters.

28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)

29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day
It's long.
It's hard.
It took 10 minutes to do.

30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"
Nin3DS should be mayor because he will rule us all with an iron thumb. Yes all he needs is his thumb. Not a fist.

Yay I finished.
1) What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?

Ipod.................. I use it for music.

2) Where do you think you will be when you're 30?

Hopefully having a job, with my own house and family.

3) Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?

Yes, sorta. For the 50th. Don't you dare do this kind of thing again, heh

4) What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)

My good morals and views towards life.

5) Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!


6) What do you like about N3DSC?

The community.

7) Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?


8) If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?

Goku, obviously.

9) Tell a honest secret about yourself.

I am.................. Forget it. You'll all find out soon.

10) Hug or handshake?

Hug, infact I could use one right now.

11) Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.

Er.... what?

12) What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)

My past mistakes.

13) Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?


14) What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?

Zelda, Twilight Princess for Wii.

15) What are cheese nuggets? -.-

Tell Nintendan.

16) Name 3 things that you are scared of.

My past, being alone, my future.

17) When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?

I.... Don't know

18) Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?


19) What is your all time favourite song?

So far, Abracadavre.

20) Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"

The fact of 3D without glasses is awesome.

21) What do you like about me?

Kindness, caring, friendly.

22) What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?

Nothing pops in my head.

23) When was the last time you lied?

Right now.

24) Fist bumps or special hand shakes?

Special Hand Shakes.

25) Meat or Candy?

26) Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"

They have great and classic games.

27) Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"

He was teh powa!

28) Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)


29) List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day

Lots o questions. That'll be all.

30) Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

He was teh Powa!
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1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?
hmmm, my phone I guess

2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?
Married, owning a coffee shop.

3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?
Age? I've always wondered...

4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)
I try to be nice to everyone.

5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!
Close second

6What do you like about N3DSC?
The community, you guys are pretty cool.

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?
Mario I guess

8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?
Don Patch, It would be so freaking funny

9Tell a honest secret about yourself.
I feel unloved and alone, but I try to conceal it because I know others have it much worse then me.

10Hug or handshake?
Depends on the situation.

11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.
I NEED TO KNOW YOUR SECRET (not an opinion, I know)

12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)
Im a bit of a social fuckwit sometimes.

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?
A policeman, assuming he wouldn't kill me

14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?
I got to have a sleepover with a couple of friends, its not a present but it was an awesome night.

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-
No idea...

16Name 3 things that you are scared of.
Dieing alone, the dark, clowns

17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?
Two hours ago?

18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?
None :L

19What is your all time favourite song?

20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"
3DSs' are cool because 3D POORRRRNNNNN, Im joking of course.

21What do you like about me?
You seem nice

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?
They need to make a new series, there have been way too many mario/zelda/kirby games lately.

23When was the last time you lied?

24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?
Fist bumps

25Meat or Candy?

26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"
They basically shaped my childhood.

27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"
NintenDan should be mayor because everything would be made of rainbows and magic

28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)

29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day
they're fun, I like to see what people say, I like rambling about myself.

30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"
Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because he is a civilized leader with a chilled attitude, I think.
1) What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?
My phone. It lets me call people. >.>
2) Where do you think you will be when you're 30?
On the street corner
3) Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?
4) What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)
The fact that I can sometimes stop being a pathetic waste of flesh and do something useful.
5) Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!
6) What do you like about N3DSC?
The fact that people here aren't dicks. <.<
7) Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?
Mario. Honestly, you're asking this on a Nintendo fansite, what do you expect?
8) If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?
... So many choices... Probably... Natsu Dragneel.
9) Tell a honest secret about yourself.
I'm terrified of... Damn near everything.
10) Hug or handshake?
11) Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.
He's... a person?
12) What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)
Oh, where to start? I'm a coward, I'm an asshole, I'm an idiot, I'm antisocial, I have a horrible memory, I'm incompetent, BLUH.
13) Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?
Policeman. At the very least, they (usually) don't kill people.
14) What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?
I can't remember. >.>
15) What are cheese nuggets? -.-
16) Name 3 things that you are scared of.
Transportation, lunatics, extremely high places/things.
17) When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?
A few days ago.
18) Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?
Clubs, I suppose.
19) What is your all time favourite song?
20) Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"
The 3DS is a wondrous creation due to the incredible technological advancements it brings.
21) What do you like about me?
You're very friendly.
22) What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?
Their intense anti-hacking protection.
23) When was the last time you lied?
Just now, when I said I didn't remember.
24) Fist bumps or special hand shakes?
Special handshake. To do it, you take the person's hand, and move it up and down.
25) Meat or Candy?
Meat. Beef wrapped bacon wrapped in bacon, to be specific.
26) Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"
They make good games.
27) Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"
He can do a 360 spin while being a man.
28) Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)
29) List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day
It's fun, it's distracting, it's forced me to think for once.
30) Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"
He can do things while also doing other things.
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1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?

The Microwave.
2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?

In a house.

3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?

4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)

Everything except nothing.
5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!

No thanks.
6What do you like about N3DSC?

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?

8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?

A hot guy.
9Tell a honest secret about yourself.

I don't want to tell my secrets (That is my secret.)
10Hug or handshake?

Both are gay.
11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.

No he can't.
12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?

The ratbag.
14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-

Cheese Nuggets.
16Name 3 things that you are scared of.

The guy next to me, The guy next to the guy next to me, and the Crazy cat lady.
17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?

Two years ago.
18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?

They're all brain cell destroyers.
19What is your all time favourite song?

Beat it.
20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"

They're 3D.
21What do you like about me?

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?
23When was the last time you lied?
24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?
25Meat or Candy?
26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"
27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"
28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)
29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day
30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

The answer to the rest is 'Cheese nuggets'
1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?

My laptop. Who said it was just for games?

2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?


3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?

Yes, you should ask if anyone has any suggestions for the question of the day for the future. Or as the 8-ball would say "Ask again later"

4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)

The fact that I can lie and not feel bad about it and get away with it easily.

5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!

6What do you like about N3DSC?

People are active, and it has a shoutbox A SHOUTBOX

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?

The semi colon would win

8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?

Thats a tough one. Well if I was Lucy from elfen lied I could rip people apart without moving a muscle but I would also be a girl..... Wasn't there a dude in that anime who was also one of those aliens?

9Tell a honest secret about yourself.

I never keep secrets

10Hug or handshake?


11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.

Where do I even begin

12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)

Dev posted above me see number 11

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?

I AM the criminal

14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?

Screw you

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-

It shouldn't be that hard to figure out

16Name 3 things that you are scared of.

Viruses, things that can't be described, and crack heads

17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?


18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?


19What is your all time favourite song?
Can we have multiple?



20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"

3DSs' are cool because they have the same graphics as the wii pretty much and all the best games are coming out first.

21What do you like about me?

What should I like about you?

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?

I don't like the fact that they dont stray very far from mario and zelda and those characters.

23When was the last time you lied?

Question number 9

24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?

Fist Bumps

25Meat or Candy?


26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"

I like nintendo because their consoles always have some cool gimmick.

27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"

Nintendan can pull golden shyguys out of his ass practically, we would be the richest place on earth!

28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)

Thanks for making us feel like we have no life D:

29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day

You said there was a prize, there was questions, and stuff

30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

He already is the mayor, OF THIS SITE OLOLOLOL
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1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?

I'm thinking that a computer isn't a gadget, so, uh... iPod.

2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?

Dead/in heaven.

3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?

What's your favorite Question of the Day?

4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)

The fact that I can make good music.

5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!

6What do you like about N3DSC?

The community is awesome. Including NC.

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?

I like Mario more than Sonic, but let's face it... one Spin Dash from Sonic, and blood is all over the floor... Mario's blood.

8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?

No thanks.

9Tell a honest secret about yourself.

I hate people who write stuff on paper in real life that looks like they're texting/on Facebook. UUGGGHHH. Some even freakin' use the smileys.

10Hug or handshake?

lol, hug.

11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.

Too obsessed with anime, but overall good guy.

12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)

My shyness irl.

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?

Criminal... he might let me go.

14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?

I can't see into the future. D:

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-

i dunno lol

16Name 3 things that you are scared of.

High school, college, and adulthood.

17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?


18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?


19What is your all time favourite song?

My god, asking something like this is like asking a parent to name his/her favorite child. I really can't answer this.

20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"

They are cool becuase they have games that are creative and fun.

21What do you like about me?

Your friendliness. You're almost always up for a conversation.

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?

Dislike... the fact that they haven't announced a Wii 3D.

23When was the last time you lied?


24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?


25Meat or Candy?


26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"

"of Mario and the other wonderful franchises"

27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"

"he's good and fun"

28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)


29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day

1. That's it's good.
2. That's it's fun.
3. See above!

30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

"I am the walrus"

Awesome questions, there.
1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?

My computer.

2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?

Somewhere in that crazy place known as earth.

3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?

Some crazy truth or dare thing.

4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)

I am insane and proud of it.

5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!

6What do you like about N3DSC?

The community is awesome.

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?

Man, that's kinda hard. I guess I'd have to say ;. ; is just that awesome.

8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?

Just guess. (hint: it may have something to do with my avatar, signature, and also possibly my name.)

9Tell a honest secret about yourself.

I really fail at most games I play.

10Hug or handshake?

Handshake. I'm not much of a hug person.

11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.

Thinks just a teeny bit too highly of himself. ohgodpleasedon'tkillme.

12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)

My tendency to be a complete idiot.

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?

A criminal. There's no way I'd get caught by the police. They have no idea I plan to take over the world. YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT!!

14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?

I don't even remember...

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-

I have no clue.

16Name 3 things that you are scared of.

Hmm... I guess I'll name them Freddy, Sally, and Mr. Person.

17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?


18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?

None. I guess I am a boring person.

19What is your all time favourite song?

And it's so easy when you're evil!
This is the life, you see.
The Devil tips his hat to me!
I do it all because I'm evil!
And I do it all for free!
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need!

20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"

Because they have good games for them. Not at launch, unfortunately...

21What do you like about me?

You are an interesting person.

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?

Too may bad games they allow on the Wii.

23When was the last time you lied?

Not today. Especially not in this answer. Now, that's just crazy.

24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?


25Meat or Candy?

Can I choose both?

26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"

Because they know hot to make fun games.

27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"

Because he can.

28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)

Flying airplanes and crashing into stuff.

29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day

1. It gave me something to do on an otherwise boring day.
2. (see 1)
3. (see 2)

30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

Because if not, then the universe is doomed. DOOMED, I SAY!!

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1What is the best non-game related gadget in your house?


2Where do you think you will be when you're 30?


3Any suggestions for NC's Question of the Day for the future?

Nope, not really

4What do you like about yourself? ("Nothing" is not permitted)


5Can you post your favourite YouTube video? If you can, do it!

I really don't have one

6What do you like about N3DSC?

It has all the old members from DSU

7Who would win in a fight; Sonic or Mario?


8If you could be someone from an Anime, who/what would you be?

I wouldn't

9Tell a honest secret about yourself.

They are called secrets for a reason

10Hug or handshake?


11Share your opinion of the member that has posted above.

Don't know him...

12What do you hate about yourself? ("Everything" will get you a prison sentence)

That I'm bored too easily

13Who would you prefer to be caught and attacked by? A criminal or a trained policeman?

Criminal, could fight back easier

14What was your best present you got for you 14th Birthday?

Let me think... uhm.. oh yeah! A poker set

15What are cheese nuggets? -.-

Nuggets filled with cheese

16Name 3 things that you are scared of.

Spiders, an alien invasion, voices

17When was the last time you had somebody compliment you?

Can't remember

18Clubs, Ball Dances or Discos?

None of the above

19What is your all time favourite song?

Don't have one

20Finish the sentence "3DSs' are cool because_____" OR "3DSs' are not cool because_____"

Seemingly overrated IMO

21What do you like about me?

Posting this topic

22What do you dislike or hate about Nintendo?

They became too causal

23When was the last time you lied?

When I was playing TTT recently

24Fist bumps or special hand shakes?


25Meat or Candy?


26Finish the sentence "I like Nintendo because_____"

they used to be cool

27Finish the sentence "NintenDan should be mayor because_____"

He will kill us if we don't vote for him

28Favourite sport... on the Wii?! (Blew your mind!)

Wii Sports!? HAHAHA!!!

29List 3 things you like about today's Question of the Day

-Entertained me for a bit
-NintenDan is mayor
-Duh... winning

30Finish the sentence "Nin3DS the Administrator should be mayor because_____"

I said so.