NC's Question Of The Day #8


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, members!

Today's QOTD is a short one! Today, I wanna ask you guys a personal question so here goes: What is your object in life & how does that object keep you going?

To be honest guys, my object is really small. I just want to be like any other person, and be as friendly as possible in life! It helps me to focus on what's really important in life, without that and without people who care about me, I wouldn't be here today.

What about you guys? What is your object in life & how does that object keep you going?

Thank you for participating, answer again.
To be the best. At whatever I do. If I play a video game I want to be the best at it. It keeps me going because it makes me feel like I have a purpose just to better than other people.
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I have no real goals other than to not be a failure. I want to make a name for myself, but that's...all rather vague. I haven't much of a direction yet.
I seem to have gotten the path of doing a lot of stuff, and doing it well, but not amazing. So I guess my object currently is to do a lot of stuff simply well, and not more than well.