NC's *TASK* Of The Day #28


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Heya, my children!
How's it hanging in the wonderful world of N3DSC?
'Ight fools, listen up!
Things are gonna' change for a sec' - I'm was going to ask you guys something about yourself. But then I realised that most of you must have written a biography here so... your mom.
Anyways, since I can't do that...
Today's Task Of The Day is...

Discribe the person you admire the most.
Peace out, my homies!
Hard one... I would have to say my father. I don't agree with all of his views on politics and government, but we agree with pretty much everything else like with materialism and westernization. Im kind of glad I didn't get to see him much as a child, it made me the person who I am today. He works too hard for my family, for the best intentions of course. I tell him that he needs to relax more and that he shouldn't be working so late but he never listens. Hes probably the most loving person I've ever met in my life, he basically gave up his life for my family. He puts so much of his time focused on us or his job that he never has time for himself. I just wish he wouldn't be so hard on himself...
Porkman he is always a step ahead of me and thinking of that encourages me to move even faster so I can be on top.