Nearly Half-Million Google Android Apps Now for Google Android devices


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Android is poised to take over the world—at least according to new numbers from Google. The number of Android apps has exploded to 450,000 up from 150,000 just a year ago. And that's just the beginning.

The Android numbers posted today by Google are seriously impressive: There are 800,000 Android device activations a day, and 300 million (!) Android devices worldwide. If this inspires you to go get an Android phone, start doing your research because more than 800 different Android devices have launched to date. [Google]


Wow, that's a lot of Apps, and Android devices which are activated each day. 300 million Android devices is also a lot. I can't believe there are also 800 different Android devices.

If the mobile Apps population which keeps going higher the way it is going, there would be more Apps then newer regular desktop programs and web apps.
Indeed, Android users have to wait a few weeks, months, or longer for iOS games to be ported to Android.

But, I think if they don't port them over, a competitor might make a similar game for Android, but with slightly different characters, backgrounds, and gameplay like the console industry where game makers make clones to compete with other games like Mortal Kombat is kind of similar to Street Fighter, but Mortal Kombat is more violent, and dark compared to Street Fighter.

I wonder if this statistic just include registered apps on Google Android Market, and does not include third party app stores like Amazon Android App Store, and GetJar Android App Store.

I think if third party Android App stores are included then the App population for Android can be even larger.
could use more games.
Indeed, more games would be nice, but there is no shortage of games for Android since there are hundreds or more games for Google Android on Google Apps store on which has tons of Game Apps you can buy or download for free on your Android device, so there isn't really a shortage of games to be played on Google Androids since there are so many already.

If you know how to make games coded in HTML5, JAVA, Javascript, etc then making Google Android games should not be very hard, and it is easy to publish, sell, and share your games with other Android users by using the Android Marketplace, Amazon Android App store, and other 3rd party Android App stores which is a lot easier then getting permission from Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft to publish your game on their online marketpace or to disc.

The Onlive Game Streaming App for Android, can also stream a lot of PC and Console games from Onlive servers to your Google Android phone, tablet, or computer.

Android also supports Adobe Flash Player, HTML5, and Java, so with the Android web browser you can play flash games, html5 games, and Java games like MineCraft, etc on a web browser, so many Web browser games work on Android.