Some gift giver may secretly find it entertaining when pranking kids by using pretty wraping paper to wrap a necessary present in a big heavy box, and they want to see the reaction of a child after the child receives a gift like pencils, pens, and other items which they may not necessarily want.
I think prank posts of people getting unwanted gifts on social networks like YouTube and Twitter may make people give non-toys and non-entertainment gift to kids.
Giving kids toys like large building blocks or ball is usually safer for younger children who are too young to use things like small electronics, tools, and some school supplies like paper clips, scissors and pencil sharpeners. A lot of necessary items have sharp edges and things like screws and batteries which can fall out, and cause a baby to get hurt if they swallow a screw or poke themselves with a sharp item.
Teaching kids to donate old toys to a school or daycare can be an important lesson.