Need friends and players for my crew The XpRtinators in GTA Online!


Well-Known Member
Hello My name is Aaron,I'm 12 years old and I'm single which means I don't have a girlfriend and I'm not dating anyone!I'm looking for new friends to play with me in GTA Oline and for my Crew the XpRtinators!I have a mic,I play everyday for at least 2-4 hours a week,I'm rank 42 and about to be rank 43,I like Deathmatches,Team Deathmatches,Races,Survivals,mission that give you a lot of RP and Cash,and that's about it!;)
Here's my PSN Username:gamexpert0105!Also add me so we can play a lot of missions today and survival so we can rank up a lot and get a lot of cash!Also I sometimes to play in closed friend session,Onoine session,and Solo session,too sometimes!Well Have a nice day,because I have to go get ready for another day of school in 7th Grade!;)