Need friends for animal crossing new leaf

I'll add you!

Add me~ the name's Mike!

my friend code is right here...

Kaila, you still need to add me xD (I added you ages ago when you said you added me on my friend request thread)
Feel free to add me. I'll add you to my friends list after my 3DS is done charging.

Isn't this in the wrong thread, by the way?
I'm selling lotsa good stuff! Just the that my other customers dont come online very often now. I mean now I'm rich, so actually its up to you.
Moved to 'Friend Requests' section, and Bellionaire, please refrain from posting more than once in a row, especially when it got off topic towards the end... Other than that, welcome to the site! ^^
If anyone wants to add me, you you can go ahead. I play daily and love to just hang out with people ^^ Also, I need to sell by fruit pretty bad and no one on my friends list is ever on :(

But yeah just message me back if you add me and I will make sure I add you back asap.
Looking for AC:NL Friends. (To play literally right now! :p)

Name: William

Town: Sunville

Friend Code: 0791-2090-2131

Please Add me!!!

(PS: I added you, Pokémon Rookie!)
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