Need more 18+ Friends!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello! Im fairly new to the forum and need more friends! Im looking for more mature friends to Swap notes with and other games. I am on everyday and just need more friend interaction!
My fc is below but just in case;
4871-3933-2160 :D
Well I'm not much of a swap note user but I will be more than happy to add you for other games. So far, kingdom hearts dream drop is all I'm playing. When animal crossing comes out, I'll be all over that as well :).

Added you. I'm certainly over 18, lol. Add me too, please!

FC: 2852-7600-9975

I feel the same way lol I added you by the way. My friend code is on the left, here.
Added you. I'm certainly over 18, lol. Add me too, please!

FC: 2852-7600-9975

I feel the same way lol I added you by the way. My friend code is on the left, here.

Thanks! You're now officially my first Nintendo friend! LOL ;) (Never used FC for my DS)
Added you. I'm certainly over 18, lol. Add me too, please!

FC: 2852-7600-9975

I feel the same way lol I added you by the way. My friend code is on the left, here.

Thanks! You're now officially my first Nintendo friend! LOL ;) (Never used FC for my DS)

Woot! Is this the part where I post "FIRST!" like a teenager on a forum? lol
Hey, looking for 18+ swapnote friends too.. 2492-4293-2043. Looking for any of the bonus stationary.